Invalid question result: !(!resultsCount || text[ text.GetLength() - 1

(imported topic written by lukibest)

I prepare report about avi files. when i want to see result is ok, but when i click “view as computer” then i have this error message

"Web Reports encountered the following error:Invalid question result: !(!resultsCount || text

http:// text.GetLength() - 1

== ‘\n’)"

In other report it’s happen the same

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi lukibest,

What kind or report are you creating?


(imported comment written by lukibest)

example: Reports->Analysis List -> Hardware information -> View Computers =ERROR

or if i click for any computer which is display in report than i have the same error

(imported comment written by lukibest)

I run other Analyses like (Application information, Program run at startup etc,) restart webreport and is working