Intersect bes properties and bes fixlets in session relevance

(imported topic written by RandallB)

I’m trying to build a custom report based on fixlet id, applicable count. My issue is filtering the bes properties for separate breakdowns based on certain property. Just need a little syntax help I think.

I need to intersect bes fixlets and bes properties…

Here is what I have so far but am getting “This expression could not be parsed”. Any help would be much appreciated.


            (if (exists Applicable Computer Count of it)

                            then (Applicable Computer Count of it as string))

                            else ("<none>")))


            bes fixlets

                            whose (

                                            (name of site of it = "DEV") AND

                                            ((ID of it = 549992)))

of bes properties

            whose (

                            name of it = "PATCH_GROUP" whose (name of it as lowercase contains "CMS")))

(imported comment written by jgstew)

I believe your issue is you are doing
( bes fixlets of bes properties )
which does not work.

What is it you are trying to do? Are you looking for the list or number of computers with certain properties that are relevant to a certain fixlet?

(imported comment written by jgstew)


applicable computer counts of bes fixlets whose(exists applicable computer count of it AND (“DEV” = name of site of it) AND (549992 = id of it))


number of bes computers whose((“CMS” = value of result from (bes property “PATCH_GROUP”) of it) AND (exists relevant fixlets whose((549992 = id of it) AND (“DEV” = name of site of it)) of it))

(imported comment written by RandallB)

The second one looks to be what I am looking for but instead of (“CMS” = value of result from (bes property “PATCH_GROUP”)

can you show me what it would be to use (name of bes property “PATCH_GROUP” contains CMS)? That is contains CMS instead of “CMS” = value of


(imported comment written by jgstew)

These are almost the same, with some slight variation:


number of bes computers whose(((value of result from (bes property “PATCH_GROUP”) of it)
starts with
"CMS") AND (exists relevant fixlets whose((549992 = id of it) AND (“DEV” = name of site of it)) of it))


number of bes computers whose(((value of result from (bes property “PATCH_GROUP”) of it)
ends with
"CMS") AND (exists relevant fixlets whose((549992 = id of it) AND (“DEV” = name of site of it)) of it))

If PATCH_GROUP is “???CMS???”

number of bes computers whose(((value of result from (bes property “PATCH_GROUP”) of it)
"CMS") AND (exists relevant fixlets whose((549992 = id of it) AND (“DEV” = name of site of it)) of it))

If PATCH_GROUP is “???cMs???”

number of bes computers whose(((value of result from (bes property “PATCH_GROUP”) of it)
as uppercase contains
"CMS") AND (exists relevant fixlets whose((549992 = id of it) AND (“DEV” = name of site of it)) of it))