Internet Explorer Proxy Settings

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hello all,

I am trying to write a fixlet that will change the proxy settings on the user’s computers.

Here is what I have for relevance. The relevance works until I attempt to add windows 7 to it.

(name of operating system = “Win95” OR name of operating system = “Win98” OR name of operating system = “WinME” OR name of operating system = “WinNT” OR name of operating system = “Win2000” OR name of operating system = “WinXP” OR name of operating system = “Win2003” OR name of operating system = “WinVista” ) AND value “ProxyOverride” of key (“HKEY_USERS” & (name of key whose (value “Logon User Name” of key “Explorer” of key “CurrentVersion” of key “Windows” of key “Microsoft” of key “Software” of it = name of current user) of key “HKEY_USERS” of registry) & “\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings”) of registry as string != "192.168.


;web;dev;info;*;exch;facilities;spam;" AND true

Here is the action

regset “”“MigrateProxy”=dword:00000001"ProxyEnable"=dword:00000001"ProxyHttp1.1"=dword:00000000"ProxyServer"=""“ProxyOverride”="192.168.



I am not sure that the action will work. It worked a while back but that was only when I was trying to do only the proxy override.

I would be extremely grateful for any help on this.



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

try this

(name of operating system contains “95” OR name of operating system contains “98” OR name of operating system as lowercase contains “winme” OR name of operating system as lowercase contains “winnt” OR name of operating system contains “2000” OR name of operating system as lowercase contains “xp” OR name of operating system contains “2003” OR name of operating system as lowercase contains “vista” or name of operating system as lowercase contains “win7”) AND (value “ProxyOverride” of key “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings” of registry as string) != "192.168.




(name of operating system as lowercase contains “win”) AND (value “ProxyOverride” of key “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings” of registry as string) != "192.168.



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


Thank you for the reply.

When entering both into the API tester I got the following message

Also if I run it this way will I be getting the value of System user and not the currently logged in user?


not sure what the error is. Is there a better way to tell?



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I am trying to do the exact same thing and had success with Win XP. However, the problem is the key “Logon User Name” does not exist in Windows 7. I am still trying to find another way to pull this information from the registry.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

The registry key wizard might help you set these reg keys for the local user…
