Installing BigFix onto Citrix Desktop

Hello Considering installing BigFix on Citrix desktops. Would the traditional agented approach or the new Modern Client Management be a better solution? The virtual desktop is Windows 10.

Hi @ncpeteusa. We use the traditional agent approach installed on our golden image. I think the biggest things to consider is your expectations for the Bigfix client behavior in essence to your Citrix deployment/configuration type.

If you are deploying from a golden image and or using MCS/PVS I’d recommend looking into the below settings:

Everyone’s environment is different so adequate testing is going to be the most beneficial. Perhaps creating a dev Citrix Machine Catalog/Delivery group and testing out different Bigfix Agent deployments might prove helpful?

@ncpeteusa we have had some issues with duplication of agents with Citrix VDI’s. Every time the image is updated and redeployed, we begin seeing duplication. The clientIdentityMatch=100 setting has helped to a certain extent, however duplication still occurs.

In addition to the above we are in the process of testing the following to prevent duplication in customer environments:

Perhaps it can be of assistance to you as well.

