Installing BigFix on RHEL 9.5

I’ve tried to install BigFix Server on RHEL 9.5 via CLI, but an error appears and it failed as attached below.

It looks like missing dependencies are not installed automatically… try to install them manually and then restart the installation.

I attempted to do it manually, but the result was the same.

:frowning: it looks like libpng15 was deprecated in RHEL 9: 9.5 Release Notes | Red Hat Product Documentation
Maybe you should enable “non standard” content to get them installed: refer to RHEL documentation/support.

At the same time, I’d sugget to open a support ticket to BigFix to make them aware of the current limitation. I suppose you are using the latest BF version, aren’t you?

Yes, I’m. I will try to open a case with them.
Thanks Bro.

Per BigFix 11 - Detailed System Requirements - Customer Support we may not be supporting BigFix Server on RHEL 9.5 yet, you should specifically ask about that when opening your ticket.

SInce the initial installer is not working it’s likely we have not validated on that OS yet and may need some changes to support 9.5