Installing AIX software from an NFS mount

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I am using the code from AIX Site to install software from an NFS Mount

I have added the code below. I have questions and hope that someone can help me with this. I have put my questions at the top and added comment lines with the question to help you get to the part of the script I have questions with.

I will be installing lsof from a mount point as an exercise. I would like to mount up server:/lsof and install below

lsof> ls

.toc lsof.base lsof.license

Q1: What is download AIXProtocol://6100-00/6100-08.list used for in the TL update? Do I need to create a list for my lsof files? If yes I would need to know how to use it as well.

Q2: If I enter my repo info as server1:/lsof what will the mount point be? I wrote what I think below.

FixDir: pathname of parent folder of client folder of current site & "/__AIX_TEMP_lsof

NFSDir: pathname of parent folder of client folder of current site & "/__AIX_TEMP_lsof_NFS

Q3: Is the NFSDir my mount point?

mount -o ro {parameter “NFSSource” of action} “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}” => mount -o ro server1:/lsof pathname of parent folder of client folder of current site & "/__AIX_TEMP_lsof_NFS

Q4: I have a valid .toc file so I should pass the check for that

Q5: I don’t think I need this block of code since or if I do Q1 should help me with it

// Copying from windows to AIX can sometimes cause problems with new line / carriage return characters. Here we attempt to head off those issues and also remove any blank lines.

wait sh -c “sed -e 's/{”%0D"}//g’ “{(pathname of client folder of current site & “/__Download/” & (parameter “FixPack” of action) & “.list”)}” > “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action)}”"

wait sh -c “sed -e /^$/d “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action)}” > “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action & “.tmp”)}””

delete “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action)}”

move “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action & “.tmp”)}” “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action)}”

Q6: I won’t need the following since the OS level will not change:

// Update oslevel.txt

wait rm -rf “{pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string & “/__OSLevel”}”

wait mkdir “{pathname of (parent folder of (client folder of current site)) & “/__OSLevel”}”

wait sh “oslevel -r > ‘{pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string & “/__OSLevel/oslevel.txt”}’”

wait sh “oslevel -s >> ‘{pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string & “/__OSLevel/oslevel.txt”}’”

action requires restart

download AIXProtocol://6100-00/6100-08.list

parameter “FixPack”=“lsof”

parameter “FixDir”="{pathname of parent folder of client folder of current site & “/_AIX_TEMP” & parameter “FixPack” of action}"

parameter “NFSDir”="{pathname of parent folder of client folder of current site & “/_AIX_TEMP” & parameter “FixPack” of action & “_NFS”}"

action parameter query “NFSSource” with description “Full path to NFS repository (e.g. myServer:%22/AIX/fileset repo%22 myServer:/Local/Repo)”

// Setup Directories

wait rm -rf “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

wait mkdir -p “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

wait mkdir -p “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

// Save original NFS settings

wait sh -c “nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_ports | awk ‘{{print $NF}’ > “{(parameter “FixDir” of action) & “/nfs_use_reserved_ports”}””

wait sh -c “nfso -o portcheck | awk ‘{{print $NF}’ > “{(parameter “FixDir” of action) & “/portcheck”}””

// Set portcheck and nfs_use_reserved_ports to 1

wait nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_ports=1

wait nfso -o portcheck=1

// Mount NFS Source

createfile until __EOF

mount -o ro {parameter “NFSSource” of action} “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”


delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

move __createfile “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

wait chmod +x “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

wait sh “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

// If the mount failed or no .toc file is found, perform cleanup tasks and quit action Q4

if { (NOT (exists filesystem whose (name of it is (parameter “NFSDir” of action)))) OR (NOT (exists file “.toc” of folder (parameter “NFSDir” of action))) }

wait umount “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

wait sh -c “nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_ports={line 1 of file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/nfs_use_reserved_ports”)}”

wait sh -c “nfso -o portcheck={line 1 of file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/portcheck”)}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

continue if {false}


// Extract list of files from .toc file in NFS source

delete “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/_tocFile.list”)}”

wait sh -c “awk '{{ if (/{{$/) {{ printf(”\n%s:", $1) >> “{ (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/_tocFile.list”) }” } else if (/^(













/) {{ printf(" %s %s", $1, $2) >> “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/_tocFile.list”)}” } }’ “{(pathname of file “.toc” of folder (parameter “NFSDir” of action))}”"

// Q5 Copying from windows to AIX can sometimes cause problems with new line / carriage return characters. Here we attempt to head off those issues and also remove any blank lines.

wait sh -c “sed -e 's/{”%0D"}//g’ “{(pathname of client folder of current site & “/__Download/” & (parameter “FixPack” of action) & “.list”)}” > “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action)}”"

wait sh -c “sed -e /^$/d “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action)}” > “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action & “.tmp”)}””

delete “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action)}”

move “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action & “.tmp”)}” “{(parameter “FixDir” of action & “/” & parameter “FixPack” of action)}”

// Create symbolic links to fileset packages

createfile until __EOF

for srcFile in fgrep -f "{(parameter "FixDir" of action & "/" & parameter "FixPack" of action)}" "{(parameter "FixDir" of action & "/_tocFile.list")}" | cut -d: -f1; do

ln -s “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}/$srcFile” “{parameter “FixDir” of action}/”



delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

move __createfile “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

wait chmod +x “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

wait sh “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

// Build toc file

wait inutoc “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

// Create current fileset list

wait sh -c “lslpp -lJq > “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/_currentFileset.list”}””

// Perform install

delete /var/adm/ras/install_all_updates.log

wait sh -c “LANG=C geninstall -e “/var/adm/ras/install_all_updates_{parameter “FixPack” of action}.log” -Z -I “agqXY” -d “{parameter “FixDir” of action}/” -f “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/_currentFileset.list”}””

// Sometimes, when skipping Technology Levels, new filesets are installed (eg: Java6.sdk). When this happens, the updated / patched

// version may not be installed on the first pass. Here we try to catch those instances and take care of them.

delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/missing.list”}”

createfile until __EOF

for LEVEL in instfix -i | grep "Not all filesets for 61" | awk '{{print $5}'; do

instfix -ciqk $LEVEL | grep :-: | cut -d: -f2

done >> “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/missing.list”}”


delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

move __createfile “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

wait chmod +x “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

wait sh “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

if { exists file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/missing.list”) whose (exists line 1 of it) }

wait sh -c “cat “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/missing.list”}” | uniq > “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/unique_missing.list”}””

wait sh -c “LANG=C geninstall -e “/var/adm/ras/install_all_updates_missing_{parameter “FixPack” of action}.log” -Z -I “agqXY” -d “{parameter “FixDir” of action}/” -f “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/unique_missing.list”}””


// Clean up

wait umount “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

wait sh -c “nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_ports={line 1 of file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/nfs_use_reserved_ports”)}”

wait sh -c “nfso -o portcheck={line 1 of file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/portcheck”)}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

// copy log file for result analysis

// Create __MLPkgInstall directory if necessary

wait mkdir “{if (exists folder ((pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string) & “/__MLPkgInstall”)) then “” else ((pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string) & “/__MLPkgInstall”)}”

delete “{(pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string) & “/__MLPkgInstall/TL_SP_CSP.result”}”

copy “/var/adm/ras/install_all_updates_{parameter “FixPack” of action}.log” “{(pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string) & “/__MLPkgInstall/TL_SP_CSP.result”}”

// Update oslevel.txt

wait rm -rf “{pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string & “/__OSLevel”}”

wait mkdir “{pathname of (parent folder of (client folder of current site)) & “/__OSLevel”}”

wait sh “oslevel -r > ‘{pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string & “/__OSLevel/oslevel.txt”}’”

wait sh “oslevel -s >> ‘{pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string & “/__OSLevel/oslevel.txt”}’”

action requires restart

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I got it working. I just skipped all the part with checking the .toc file and making a copy and creating links. Here is my template


parameter “FixPack”=“lsof”

parameter “FixDir”="{pathname of parent folder of client folder of current site & “/_AIX_TEMP” & parameter “FixPack” of action}"

parameter “NFSDir”="{pathname of parent folder of client folder of current site & “/_AIX_TEMP” & parameter “FixPack” of action & “_NFS”}"

parameter “FULLNFSDir”="{pathname of parent folder of client folder of current site & “/_AIX_TEMP” & parameter “FixPack” of action & “_NFS” & “/lsof/”}"

action parameter query “NFSSource” with description “Full path to NFS repository (e.g. nimserver:/nim/lppsource/addl_sw)”

// Setup Directories

wait rm -rf “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

wait mkdir -p “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

wait mkdir -p “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

// Save original NFS settings

wait sh -c “nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_ports | awk ‘{{print $NF}’ > “{(parameter “FixDir” of action) & “/nfs_use_reserved_ports”}””

wait sh -c “nfso -o portcheck | awk ‘{{print $NF}’ > “{(parameter “FixDir” of action) & “/portcheck”}””

// Set portcheck and nfs_use_reserved_ports to 1

wait nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_ports=1

wait nfso -o portcheck=1

// Mount NFS Source

createfile until __EOF

mount -o ro {parameter “NFSSource” of action} “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”


delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

move __createfile “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

wait chmod +x “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

wait sh “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

delete “{parameter “FixDir” of action & “/”}”

// If the mount failed or no .toc file is found, perform cleanup tasks and quit action

if { (NOT (exists filesystem whose (name of it is (parameter “NFSDir” of action)))) OR (NOT (exists file “.toc” of folder (parameter “FULLNFSDir” of action))) }

wait umount “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

wait sh -c “nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_ports={line 1 of file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/nfs_use_reserved_ports”)}”

wait sh -c “nfso -o portcheck={line 1 of file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/portcheck”)}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

continue if {false}


// Perform install

delete /var/adm/ras/install_all_updates.log

//installp -e /var/adm/ras/install_all_updates.log -acXgYd /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/__AIX_TEMP_GSKit8_NFS/ldap/tds/ GSKit8

wait sh -c “LANG=C geninstall -e “/var/adm/ras/install_all_updates_{parameter “FixPack” of action}.log” -Z -I “agqXY” -d “{parameter “FULLNFSDir” of action}/” “all””

// Clean up

wait umount “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

wait sh -c “nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_ports={line 1 of file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/nfs_use_reserved_ports”)}”

wait sh -c “nfso -o portcheck={line 1 of file (parameter “FixDir” of action & “/portcheck”)}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “FixDir” of action}”

wait rm -rf “{parameter “NFSDir” of action}”

// copy log file for result analysis

// Create __MLPkgInstall directory if necessary

wait mkdir “{if (exists folder ((pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string) & “/__MLPkgInstall”)) then “” else ((pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string) & “/__MLPkgInstall”)}”

delete “{(pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string) & “/__MLPkgInstall/TL_SP_CSP.result”}”

copy “/var/adm/ras/install_all_updates_{parameter “FixPack” of action}.log” “{(pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site) as string) & “/__MLPkgInstall/TL_SP_CSP.result”}”