I am not getting accurate report with BFI (Software Classification) Software Installed option where not showing full installed SW details information where as I am getting details information with Package Data report.
What steps I need perform to fetch details information report in (Software Classification) Software Installed.
Can you give an example? if you click on details, you will get details about how software was detected. Software installation path and version is also available.
Package data report basically pulls the information from registry and hence it would be in-justice if we compare both the report.
So, Please cross check below points
Software which is showing up in Package data report if it available in the catalog which you have uploaded in BigFix Inventory.
If yes, Please cross check the status of Catalog based scan from analysis (Software Scan Status)
Above two steps would help you to narrow down the issue.
Suggested Points are valid that’s already all go through (Import status,filter, catalog base scan) but still not getting accurate report on SW installation option.
Also again re-run all BFI require task (Scan,upload,catalog, etc.) on respective machines but no luck.
We have couple of SQL version installed in our environment that’s version not reflecting in SW installed report.