Installed RPM Package List for CentOS 7

I am trying to find the RPM Package list for CentOS 7. The version currently in BigFix only goes to CentOS 6. Does anyone know how to get “Installed RPM Package list - CentOS Linux” updated to include CentOS 7?

Are you looking for something specific?

If you have Software Distribution there is an analysis you can activate to get all RPM packages but its also as simple as

(names of it, version of it) of packages of rpm

We have activated the analysis “Installed RPM Package List - CentOS Linux”, but that analysis currently only has CentOS 5 and CentOS 6 in it. I’m looking for the information that is available in that analysis for CentOS 7.

That is from what looks like a VERY old site called Linux RPM Patching. The relevance I have above you can use for an Analysis of your own or possibly the patch team can point you at a newer site.

Is there a new site that contains that information or do I need to write my own Analysis?

I was able to modify the Analysis but copying all the relevance code for CentOS 6 and then updating the OS in the code. Example below: