We have configured an exe of Grammarly app in software distribution. It does not show up in programs and features but it is installed. When i run the exe manually, it’s entry gets created in programs and features.
Try to run the exe from a command line using /? to see if any switches are available. It sounds like you are missing an option to install for all users.
There are no switches available. I tried ALLUSERS=1 but it does not work. Manual installation, running the exe from fixlet debugger creates entry. Just from bigfix it is not doing that:
waithidden cmd.exe /c “C:\CNO\GrammarlyAddInSetup.exe” /silent /fastforallmode /ALLUSERS=1
Those are MSI parameters, not likely to work with a .EXE installer. Check the vendor’s documentation for how to perform a system-wide installation rather than a per-user installation, I’m not familiar with this product.
It is likely adding its Add/Remove Programs entry into the current user registry hive rather than the HKLM registry hive.
Thank you so much for directing there. I checked and you were right , It is adding its Add/Remove Programs entry into the current user registry hive rather than the HKLM registry hive.