Installed Patch information

(imported topic written by tazmir91)

Hi, I am looking for a relevance query/statement that will report which sec. patches (MS and or KB number) are installed on a specific or a list of servers and when these patches were deployed/installed.


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


Please see if the report in this post is suitable for you.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by tazmir91)

Thanks Lee, can I run these *.besrpt in presentation debugger?

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

In Version 8.0:

  • Goto “Report List”
  • Click link “Import report” at top left corner
  • Format is HTML

In Version 7.X

  • Goto “Reports”
  • Click button “Import Report” at bottom of screen
  • Format is HTML

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by tazmir91)

Thanks, got it. In our environment, database clean-up occurs every month due to the shear number of actions, all actions are removed from the DB once a month. We patch our servers once a month as well, this basically reduces the history we can pull from this report. Is there a way to get this information from the server or servers directly rather than pulling it from the database. Plus how can multiple servernames be defined in the report if we don’t want to use computer groups.


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Microsoft has a WMI class on most OSes call Quick Fix Engineering.

You can read about some attempts to use that in this thread:

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by tazmir91)

Wow Lee, you are amazing, it works… :slight_smile: ; I have created an analysis with a property that pulls KB numbers and date they were installed; in my environment, I can’t create managed property, but can only create property to pull info via an analysis. Can I use a relevance statement in Presentation Debugger to pull this property I have created in the analysis? if yes, then what will be the statement if I need to pull it for one or more computernames.

sorry, new to relevance…

unique values of computer property “KB & Installed Date” as string computer = “servername”

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

You can try something like this:

unique values of values

of results

from (bes property whose (name of it = “KB & Installed Date”))

of (bes computer whose (name of it = “servername”))

(imported comment written by tazmir91)

hi, this statement worked fine until when I tried it again today, getting “Error: Singular expression refers to non-unique object.” when I run it in Presentation Debugger; previously, I have been successful in running this statement.

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

If you have more than one computer named “servername” then you will get that error. Try changing “bes computer” to “bes computers”.

(imported comment written by tazmir91)

Hi Guys, trying an easier way to pull/get installed updates/hotfixes on a 2K8r2 system, it does not have KB numbers listed in the reg key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall”, where can I pull this same information like I did on 2003 systems.
