Installed Office application version and office components list

I need to fetch installed office application version and office component list from BigFix, please help me with the relevance logic which need to be created.

There already an Retrieved property named as “Installed Applications - Windows” you can use it filter what you want to get.

If you are more specific to something, for example below - I am trying to get application which are from Microsoft.

(if not windows of operating system then "N/A" else(if it = "" then nothing else it) of unique values of ((if (exists value "DisplayName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it as string) then (value "DisplayName" of it as string) else ("")) & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of keys whose (exists value "UninstallString" of it AND ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it) OR (exists value "SystemComponent" of it AND name of it starts with "{" AND name of it contains "}" AND (exists match (regex "(9|A|B|C)(0|1)1(2|4)\d\d\d\d-(0011|0012|0013|0014|0017|002E|002F|0030|0031|0033|0035|003A|003B|0044|0051|0052|0053|0057|00BA|00CA|10D7|110D)-(0000|0409)-(0|1)000-(0|1)000000FF1CE$") of preceding text of first "}" of following text of first "{" of name of it))) AND (it does not contain "Hotfix" AND it does not contain "Security Update for" AND it does not contain "Update for" AND it does not contain "Security Update for Windows" AND it does not contain "Update for Windows" AND it does not contain "Security Update for Microsoft" AND (length of it > 0) AND (number of substrings " " of it < length of it)) of (value "DisplayName" whose (it as string as lowercase contains "Microsoft" as lowercase)of it as string)) of keys "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of (if x64 of operating system then (x32 registry; x64 registry) else registry))

Relevance which you can use to modify your ask-

(value "DisplayName" whose (it as string as lowercase contains "Microsoft" as lowercase)of it as string)