Installation Guide Won't Start


We are attempting to install the ILMT on a single Windows 2016 Server with MS SQL Server already installed. We have gone through the two first steps here: with no issues.

However, in step three we expect “The Installation Guide is launched to lead you through the installation of BigFix components: server, console, and client.” after clicking Finish in this step, but the Installation Guide will not launch. If we try to launch it from the Start menu, it starts and immediately stops.

Please note that this is a single server installation of ILMT on Windows Server 2016 which the documentation seems to indicate is supported. The Windows server does have an internet connection.

Has anyone seen this behavior before or does anyone have any suggestions?

Chris Wolfe
LPA Software Solutions, LLC.

You can always install the components without the guide/wizard. If you browse to the Installers Folder, you should find folders for the Server, Console, and Client. Within each will be a setup.exe that you can execute to install the given component.

What Aram suggests is best. I’ve installed/upgraded BigFix many, many times via RDP and that wizard hardly ever shows (it does come up but is blank). Best to reboot, run the server upgrade, run the client, then the console. Move on from there.

Thank you! I’ll give that a try.
Thanks again for the prompt responses.