Install Scanner 9.2.22 alternate path FAILS

we need to have both ILMT 7.5 and 9.2 running against our environment (a turnkey project HW and SW by IBM from 2012, no major updates/upgrades possible). ILMT 9.2 does not detect all the old sw, so we will continue to use ILMT 7.5 to integrate reports.

As far as I have understood, the ILMT sw scanner is in /opt/tivoli/cit with both ILMT 7.5 and 9.2.
ILMT 9.2 or better BigFix offers the standard installation path UNIX: /opt/tivoli/cit and an option for alternate install path UNIX: /CITBin (/etc/opt/BESClient/CITBin),
but the Task “Install or upgrade Scanner (” fails when using this alternate path (dir created manually).

In another post the suggestion was possible write permissions on /etc/cit/cit.ini.
But, as said, I do not want to overwrite the ILMT 7.5 scanner environment, but to have a parallel installation, if this is possible, on alternate path.

Any ideas?
Thanks, Igor

On what step does the scanner installation fail? Is there log in the /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/installCITlog.txt?

ssakunala, thanks for your reply.

SPB file: /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/CIT_aix.spb
Target directory: /var/opt/BESClient/CITBin
CIT custom trace path: /var/opt/BESClient/CITBin/logs
CIT version: 20/11/23cit_9.2.22.0000
Install type: global
Register exploiter: yes
Default dest: /opt/tivoli/cit
INI location: /etc/cit/cit.ini
Are we in WPAR? no
Looking for INI file: /etc/cit/cit.ini
INI file found, verifying…
*** Error: cannot find /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscancfg in INI home dir.
CIT broken in existing location, forcing update.
Log file is: /opt/tivoli/cit/CIT_files
Loading file /var/opt/BESClient/CITBin/install/ error: 2 (No such file or directory)
Installed CIT is older (or the same version), performing upgrade (deploying files)
Exec ‘/opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscanfs -shutdown >/dev/null 2>&1’ returned 32512
Exec ‘/opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscancfg -disable all >/dev/null 2>&1’ returned 32512
Exec ‘/opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscancfg -shutdown all -timeout 60 -force >/dev/null 2>&1’ returned 32512
Exec ‘/opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscancfg -shutdown all -timeout 120 >/dev/null 2>&1’ returned 32512
RMDIR: /opt/tivoli/cit/properties
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscannet
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscanuse
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/bfi_config.xml
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscannet.a
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscanuse.a
DEL: /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/libcit.a
Starting file extraction…
Extracting configs to ‘/opt/tivoli/cit/config’
Customizing properties file: /opt/tivoli/cit/config/
Loading file /opt/tivoli/cit/config/ error: 2 (No such file or directory)
Could not load property file
Creating single user mode flag file: /opt/tivoli/cit/config/SingleUserMode
Exec ‘/opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscancfg -enable all >/dev/null 2>&1’ returned 0
Installation failed, rolling back

IMHO the
Target directory: /var/opt/BESClient/CITBin
is not correct, when chosing alternate installation path, shouldn’t that be /etc/opt/BESClient/CITBin (as of ILMT documentation)?

cd: /var/opt/BESClient/CITBin: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

Thanks, Igor

You should probably open a support incident. I think it is unlikely that two ILMT scanners would be supportable.on the same computer - given that aside from the file paths, there is also the issue of Client Settings that would not be unique to each scanner.

And what would two scanners’ results look like for a single computer, of it even were possible? The server takes only one scan result.from the computer, which we scan ran most recently - should it appear the software is constantly installed and removed as one scanner finds it and the other does no

I would dig deeper into whether two scanners are truly necessary. You’ve said on one of these several message threads that the newer.scanner does not detect older software…I find that unusual, and wonder whether your 7.5 had some customized signatures that just need to be exported and imported into the new server.

If two scanners truly are needed, I think it’s likely one of those would need to be a “disconnected” scanner, so you can execute it independently of the BigFix Client Settings.

@JasonWalker very kind of you to answer and comment, Jason.
Now this is very interesting:
“wonder whether your 7.5 had some customized signatures that just need to be exported and imported into the new server.”

Suppose I have customized signatures (and from an earlier support ticket looks like that could be the case, like Websphere MQ 6.0.x not officially supported not even in ILMT 7.5 but detected, support said swtag was introduced in MQ 7.1 -not even 7.0-), how do I add these products to ILMT?
Or in other words: can I add a customized sw catalog to ILMT to be scanned for besides the “official” one?

Do you think, I can “just export” customized signatures from my ILMT 7.5 and import them into the ILMT 9.2?
How would that work, is there any option on ILMT 7.5?

Thank you very much for any hint.

PS: As for the “the server takes only one scan result”: I have both servers running, ILMT 7.5 and ILMT 9.2. I am doing some preliminary testing on a backup/restored copy of an AIX machine as client vs ILMT 9.2 in order to check what ILMT 9.2 detects (or better does not detect) on the AIX client with existing (old) sw.
Unfortunately, even if we should migrate to a new version/platform of the application, we would have to maintain the actual running environment for legal issues for at least 5 more years (maybe in some reduced form, but nevertheless for at least 5 years).

PPS: Oh, yes, I have a support ticket open for this.

Something like this?


The BigFix client installation folder by default is /var/opt/BESClient. The reference to /etc/opt/BESClient you mentioned is just for the actionsite file location (the BigFix configuration file).

as Jason suggested, open a case with ILMT support to validate if 2 separate scanner installs will be supported. From the Install or Upgrade scanner Fixlet:

Windows: \CITBin

With this setting, the scanner log files will be placed in the logs directory under the scanner installation directory.

NOTE: The setting applies only to new installations of the scanner. To change the installation directory of the existing scanner, run the following task: Uninstall Scanner ( Next, reinstall the scanner with the new setting. IBM License Metric Tool must be the only product using the scanner to completely uninstall it.

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yes, I already have a case open with IBM on this and unfortunately, but expected, they say ILMT 7.5 is no longer supported so they cannot help me and besides, no parallel installation is supported.
Indeed, IBM Support also remarked that the alternate install refers to new install only, not upgrade, although I have two AIX clients that are scanned on both ILMT servers, but unfortunately other two AIX clients are not and I can’t even install the scanner, the fixlet goes into failure.
I could remove the old scanner, install the new one and restore the old one, and maybe that could work (but would not be supported anyway).
So I guess, any attempt to have it both ways is just luck or coincidence and may be due to failure down the road anyway.

That said, Jason made the point about manual sw tags, which might be a way to get things scanned by manually creating sw tags for those sw installations that do not have a standard sw tag, as e.g. MQ 6.0.
Again, my question, could this be the solution for all of this?
Is this the go-to documentation for this?

Thanks for your patience and help,

Just to finish this up:
IBM Support says, sw catalog is IBM official only, there is no custom catalog option.
IBM Support says, bundling tags are not created to enable scan of unsupported sw, but to help automation in order to identify bundles made of standard products (with own sw tags), like “standard sw package for PC workstation in accounting”.
IBM Support says, they cannot deliver sw tags for unsupported sw.

I can fully understand IBM’s standpoint, no disappointment.

Thanks to all and have a nice day, Igor

SWIDTAG can be created manually for any software, as long as the specific format is followed with unique persistent key and other attributes (as shown in the link you have posted above). It’s unlikely ILMT 7.5 will discover it but ILMT 9.2 should discover the instance with SWIDTAG. Note that the component will not be bundled initially and you may have to reassign it as needed.

How ever, as you have seen from the other thread, if the software is out of support, IBM may not even look for reporting of it. Again, this question will have to go back to IBM for the licensing question.