Install Cumulative update without using WUSA?

As everyone probably knows, Microsoft’s cumulative updates for July and August of 2018 have been over 1 gig in size. We have a problem. My organization turns off Windows Update on all computers and these huge cumulative patches call upon WUSA to be used. Does anyone know how to install patches (KB4343885 and KB4338827) through Big Fix without wusa calling out to Windows Update? Really need help, we are behind schedule. I can download the raw file, but I’m not sure how to run it through BigFix without it calling out to windows update.



I’m pretty sure the default fixlets will work for you. I have systems with Windows Update disabled by GPO, and systems that are airgapped with no physical access to the Internet, and I’m using the default fixlets.

Yes, the Windows Update service must not be disabled, the same service is used for some installation operations, but it does not need to reach out to the Internet.

The WUSA call is to wusa.exe which is located locally in the system32 folder of the Windows installation.