Install BigFix server

Hi All,

Can someone help me where I can find :-
HCL BigFix Platform Install V9.5 for Multiplatforms

I need to install BigFix server, but I can only find BigFix-BES-Server- from

Even I have tried installing installtion generator BigFix-BES-, but that fails with error stating that IBM BigFix was unable to contact IBM to get your evaluation licence. Masthead couldnt be created so setup will exit.

Please guide me which is the first thing i should install and its installable link.

Thanks very much

What is the use case for BigFix here? What application and which OS you are trying to install on?

If an evaluation, check this link.

If For ILMT, there is a process to get ILMT specific license. If a non-ILMT production installation, then a license will be required.
Also BigFix 10.x version is available.

The older releases link on that page doesn’t have what you need?