(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)
Hi, I am currently using a CSV file that is pushed down to all my endpoints every morning that contains basic inventory information about the endpoints for our company. The endpoints then read the CSV file and report back information pertaining to itself as properties. I believe this is called using a file manifest. The CSV file is tab delimited with six variables in it. Below are the fields with some sample data:
Server A/Enclave 1/Corporate/Production/Active/Tech 1
Server B/Enclave 1/Corporate/Test/Active/Tech 1
Server C/Enclave 2/Michigan/Production/Active/Tech 2
Server D/Enclave 2/Michigan/Test/Active/Tech 2
Server E/Enclave 2/New York/Production/Active/Tech 1
‘/’ - in the above example equals a tab
The problem is I have a handful of slow endpoints, typically pegged at 99%-100% CPU utilization by the hosted application. The properties I have set to return the values corresponding to the endpoint will sometimes return
“Inspector interrupted”
. I assume this is because the endpoint is having a tough time with resources and hangs up while reviewing the properties I have set. Below is the relevance I am using to pull back values into an analysis. The code for each property is the same, but has additional tab values added to search on. I will post the code that I use to return Owner in the above CSV file. Please review and let me know if there is a more efficient way of coding this relevance so I can possibly avoid these errors.
Relevance to return Owner
if ( exists file “Inventory.csv” of client folder of site “CustomSite_FileOnlyCustomSite_Manifests” AND exists lines whose (it as lowercase starts with (if (hostname contains “.”) then (preceding text of first “.” of hostname) else hostname) as lowercase) of file “Inventory.csv” of client folder of site “CustomSite_FileOnlyCustomSite_Manifests” ) then ( (if (it contains “%09”) then (preceding texts of firsts “%09” of it) else (it)) of elements of set of following texts of firsts “%09” of following texts of firsts “%09” of following texts of firsts “%09” of following texts of firsts “%09” of following texts of firsts “%09” of lines whose (it as lowercase starts with (if (hostname contains “.”) then (preceding text of first “.” of hostname) else hostname) as lowercase) of file “Inventory.csv” of client folder of site “CustomSite_FileOnlyCustomSite_Manifests” ) else (“Not Found”)