I have here one Windows 2012 server where the software scan just fails at a script part, where I have no clue, why it fails at all:
It is the “Initiate Software Scan (” script from LMT from 2019-08-05 (aka latest version). Somewhere in the middle of the script I have following result:
Completed move __appendfile "{parameter "resultPath" as string}sua_package_data"
Completed waithidden cmd /c cscript //Nologo "{parameter "homefolder" as string}\dedup_pkgs.vbs" "{parameter "resultPath" as string}sua_package_data" > "{parameter "homefolder" as string}\dedup_pkgs.log" 2>&1
Completed parameter "RETCODE_PKG_3" = "{if exist exit code of action then exit code of action as integer else 0}"
Completed if {parameter "RETCODE_PKG_3" as integer != 0}
Completed delete __appendfile
Completed delete "{parameter "resultPath" as string}sua_package_data.info"
Completed appendfile 2:{parameter "RETCODE_PKG_3" as integer}
Completed move __appendfile "{parameter "resultPath" as string}sua_package_data.info"
Failed exit {parameter "RETCODE_PKG_3" as integer}
So when I read the code, the waithidden command returns some code, which produces an exit code (in my case 1) and casts it to integer. And then the exit fails, casting this result again as integer.
Any ideas? Or is this a bug?
Kind regards
Roland Schock
I suggest open a case with Support on it. I haven’t seen this particular failure but I do have 2 cases of different BFI fixlet failures going with Support right now.
the issue is solved in the meantime. I had the idea to “Collect Logs from Endpoints (” and in “\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\LMT\CIT\dedup_pkgs.log” I found following line:
'cscript' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
So I started the action again, modified the source and put C:\Windows\System32\ in front of cscript and it run without issues.
As I found more scripts with failing commands (attrib, tasklist, cscript, …) I assume, that on this machine the system default path does not include C:\Windows\System32 and hence the commands cannot be found.
Roland Schock
If system32 is missing from the system PATH, you’re going to be in for a lot of bad days.
See Modify a REG_EXPAND_SZ reg value for a method to check and update the PATH value.
I actually raised up with the BFI Program Manager that I would like to raise an RFE for that since the new RFE tool is not up yet as far as I know - all the BFI fixlets should be rewritten to not rely on system paths because a lot of applications overwrite them… how hard it would’ve been to make the fixlets as: waithidden { pathname of system folder }\cscript.exe … or waithidden { pathname of system folder }\wmic.exe …