Independent Tasks In Server Automation

Hi Folks, i’ve created an automation plan:

  1. List Services
  2. Run Baseline
  3. Restart Server if needed
  4. Start Services

Ever step is configured to use servers in the first target. And it works well for one server.

But… when I put two or more computers in the list, it is observed that to go from one step to another, it need to be 100% completed (all computers runs ok), that is, if a computer has more delay, the others have to wait.

Is possible to run the automation plan for go to next step for the computer who completed one task?

I dont want to write one independent automation task for every computer.

Thanks for your help!



Hi Hectorio,

So what you’re describing is pretty much how a baseline works today, i.e. all your targets work through the content at their own pace, and are independent of each other - no target holds up another.

However in SA plans, each step can potentially be targeted at different computers (unlike a baseline) and subsequent steps can often times depend on previous steps having completed successfully, so we wait for all targets in a step to complete before moving on to the next.

There are basically two things you can do here:

(1) Set a timeout for each step, so that if there’s some targets that takes too long, you can at least decide how long you will allow them to wait before moving on.

(2) Create one or more parallel branches in the plan (with each branch being the same set of steps). A number of customers find this a useful strategy - target all your regular/fast computers in one branch, and all your slow running computers in the other. This way, you get maximum throughput.


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