Important BigFix WebUI update - RHEL 7 and Windows 2012/R2 to no longer be available as WebUI operating systems

An upcoming release of BigFix WebUI will no longer function on RHEL 7 and Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 (WebUI Server component).

The Node.js library that the WebUI server leverages is being upgraded to stay current with support and security vulnerabilities. Current outlook for the delivery of this update is beginning of May 2023.
As a result, any BigFix WebUI server component installed on RHEL 7 and Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 operating systems will stop working after gathering the WebUI sites update. This will happen automatically when the new sites are released, unless automatic updates have been disabled.

This will affect you if the computer hosting the BigFix WebUI server runs on the above mentioned operating systems, regardless if it is the same computer hosting BES Root Server, or a different computer.
The above applies to both BigFix 9.5 and BigFix 10.0 deployments.

Suggested next steps depending on your situation:

My BigFix WebUI is already running on Windows Server 2016 or RHEL 8 or greater:

  • No action needed. Enjoy the upcoming security improvement.

My BigFix WebUI is running on Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 20212 R2 or RHEL 7 and I can take action on it before April 30, 2023:

  • To address this situation, the WebUI Server must either receive an OS upgrade, or be moved to a computer running a newer operating system: RHEL 8 if your BigFix deployment is on RHEL; Windows Server 2016, 2019 or 2022 if your BigFix deployment is on Windows.

If you plan to upgrade the Operating System, ensure other software running on it is supported on the new OS version. Specifically, if the same computer is running the BigFix Root Server, ensure the new operating system version is supported by your version of BigFix.

Alternatively, you can move your WebUI server to a different computer, following these steps:

1. Prepare a computer with one of the operating systems listed above, to be destination of the new WebUI Server installation, with BigFix agent installed, matching requirements described here 
    - version 9.5:
      - [Hardware Requirements](
      - [Deployment Requirements](
    - version 10.0:
      - [Hardware Requirements](
      - [Deployment Requirements](

2. Uninstall the current WebUI Server component by running the Fixlet 2557 - Remove WebUI Service in BES Support site.
3. Using BigFix Console, identify the computer from which WebUI has been uninstalled, and retrieve any WebUI settings still stored in Computer Settings, as described here 
    - version 9.5: [Access WebUI Server Settings](
    - version 10.0: [Access WebUI Server Settings](

    *The WebUI settings are the ones starting with _WebUI. Take note of the settings and remove them.
4. Create the same Computer Settings from the point above on the computer chosen to be the new destination of the WebUI Server
    - If you are installing the WebUI on a remote server and configuring WebUI to work with SAML, set the _WebUI_AppServer_Hostname key on the BigFix Root Server computer to the host name of the computer where the WebUI is being installed.
5. Install WebUI Server on the new computer by running the fixlet “Install BigFix WebUI Service (version 9.5.x)” or the fixlet “Install BigFix WebUI Service (version 10.0.x)”, based on the version of your BigFix deployment. See here for more detail on installation procedure
    - version 9.5: [Installation Procedure](
    - version 10.0: [Installation Procedure](

6.  Apply, if needed, certificates from a Certificate Authority. For more detail see here:
    - version 9.5: [Configure SSL certificates](
    - version 10.0: [Configure SSL certificates](

    *Note: The installation task only installs the WebUI service, which will then automatically install and configure the rest of the WebUI. After this task is completed, you need to wait for the WebUI service to complete several post-installation operations before you can actually use the WebUI.

My BigFix WebUI is running on Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 or RHEL 7 and I cannot take action on it by April 30, 2023:

  • In case you are unable to complete the steps above by 04/30, to allow WebUI to temporarily continue to work after that date, and only until the process is completed, you can disable WebUI automatic updates. In order to do so, you have to:

    1. Ensure BigFix Root Server is at version 9.5.17 or later, or version 10.0.2 or later
    2. Ensure Automatic Updates for WebUI are disabled, as described here:
    3. Restart the WebUI service

The BigFix WebUI team


I’m not able to catch up, why I should install WebUI on a different server in case of szenario “My BigFix WebUI is running on Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 20212 R2 or RHEL 7 and I can upgrade before April 30, 2023:”

Actual we run BES Root and WebUI on RHEL7. Assuming migrating to RHEL8 should be possible until end of april, why should I install WebUI on a different server?

I’m seeking a clarification on this, but I think that section “I can upgrade before April 30” may be mislabeled. The instructions are for migrating WebUI from a deprecated OS to a new host with a supported OS.

I expect if you can perform an in-place OS upgrade on the existing WebUI server, to a supported OS version, that system would then fall into the first category of “tNo action needed”, but expect clarification here shortly


Hello Matthias, you are right,
Upgrade of the OS is an option (as an alternative to move the WebUI Server on a different box), but only in the case that all components are supported.
In your example, BF root server and WebUI Server on a RHEL7, you can upgrade the OS to RHEL 8 if you are on Platform version 10 (given that 9.5 Root Server is not supported on RHEL8).
If you are on 9.5, your only option is to move WebUI Server on a separate RHEL 8 box and keep Root Server on RHEL 7.
Hope this clarifies. I will work on the post to improve it.


Thanks @JasonWalker and @adinia, we will proceed with migration to RHEL8 during next 2 weeks. BigFix is at, so I’m full of hope we do not face too much issues.

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Hello Matthias,

i think you can consider disable webui oto updates before your upgrade. sometimes this upgrade procedure can be delayed.
this is what i will do before os upgrade.

I’m using DSA, i think i’m going to upgrade my primary and secondary server together. ( I think Alessandro can correct me if i’m wrong)
@adinia, @MatthiasW


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