Image Capture Failure

(imported topic written by SirFixAlot91)

I am attempting to capture an image for the first time and it is failing at the first step of four:

"Failed Create Image Info File "

Anyone know what the issue may be or how I can find out?



(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

Hi Dan,

double-check your credentials to the share.

(imported comment written by SirFixAlot91)

Hey Jack,

I checked and verified that I am using the correct user account and credentials for a Domain account we created for this task and that the account has full access to the share. I also turned off the firewall on the relay hosting the repository, but I am still seeing the capture fail.

One side question I have is that in the BigFix OS Deployment instructions says the target capture computer should be a virtual machine rather than a physical machine (page 16). I wasn’t sure if this was correct or a typo, but in our instance I am attempting to capture from a physical system. If this is the reason for the failure please let me know.



(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

Hi Dan,

okay, next step is to check your PE drivers. Here’s a forum post on reading MDT logs:

But you probably just need to hit F8 on the target to get a terminal and then try to ping the relay.

On the virtual vs. physical thing, it’s not a typo. MDT sysprep’s the machine and can be destructive (particularly with Win7’s aggressive stance on key validity). We’re recommending a virtual machine because you can easily restore to snapshot.


(imported comment written by SirFixAlot91)

Ok, I get on the Virtual aspect now. Thanks.

As for the image capture: I was able to get it past the initial error I was getting and the image capture initiated, but failed with an error message regarding the NIC, which I am now looking into. I assume I just need to setup the drivers as mentioned in the link provided above. I will return if I still have any additional issues.

Thanks for the help!


(imported comment written by SirFixAlot91)

Ok, I supplied the NIC driver this time around and got a little further but now I am getting another error:

Error creating an image of drive D:, rc=2

ZTI Error - Error - Non Zero returned code by ZTIBackup, rc=2

LiteTouch deployment failed,Return Code = -2147467259 0x80004005

I found this link regarding the exact error but I don’t know if this is applicable in my case?

(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

0x80004005 is a generic Microsoft error – basically not helpful. Did you add mass storage drivers too?

(imported comment written by SirFixAlot91)

Hey Jack,

I thought I did, but after checking again, I didn’t. I am now past the previous point, but it’s now stuck on the BigFix screen where it says it’s creating the WIM. It’s got to about 75% complete after an hour and now it hasn’t moved in about 2 hours. Sorry to plague you guys with so many questions.


(imported comment written by SirFixAlot91)

I have been watching the WIM file on the repository growing slowly, so it looks like it is working now, but our network is causing it to take a long time. At this point I will have to relay the issue to our network guys.

Thanks Jack,


(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

No problem – the vast majority of OSD issues are driver issues, and it’s possible that the performance you’re seeing is too. That can be tough to isolate, but you might look for whether there are known issues for that model of computer. Glad to hear it’s working!