I'm looking for a serial number among the deleted endpoints

I need to find an endpoint using the serial number (identifying number), but this endpoint is no longer present on the BigFix Console. I would like to try to check if that data is present on the endpoints still present in the BigFix database but no longer visible from the BigFix console (isDeleted=true).

There’s a discussion at Undelete All Deleted Computers about recovering deleted computers so they’ll appear in the console again. It’s a bit dated, but I think still valid. Back up first!

Thanks Jason,
But I don’t want to resurrect all my removed endpoints.
I would like to be able to verify if among the “isDeleted” endpoints there is one with that Serial Number and if so, “resurrect” only that one in order to extract the various information.

I’m sure the property result is in the database…somewhere…but we don’t publicly document the schema as there are often schema changes between BigFix versions. I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to invest the time in digging in to direct database query.

I don’t often post “I don’t know and won’t find out” as an answer, just wanted to let you know you shouldn’t wait on me for a response.

Hello Giorgio,
maybe I can help you. Go to the BES Console --> Tools --> Manage Properties. In the list of properties, identify that related to your “Serial Number” and post here its “ID”, it is composed of 3 numbers separated by ‘-’. If the ID does not appear, right-click on the first row and enable the “ID” column.