iLO and iDrac remote console

does anyone have an action or query that can verified if the Dell or HP physical server remote console(iLO or iDrac) is using default account

I’m not sure how this could be queried. This info might be available through Dell Command Monitor on Dell systems, but I am unsure.

How would you find this info on the command line of one of these servers? Where would you find this info?

I would install Dell Command Monitor or the equivalent on a system to test and then using WMI Explorer or similar to try to find the info you are looking for. If you can find info in WMI that you want to query with BigFix, then that can be done, and I can definitely help with that part.

The only way i’ve been able to assess ILO status was to use HPQLOCFG.EXE to output to a file, and then read that in an analysis.

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will need to do some research just wanted to know if anyone had done any task, Fixlet or analyses for this

While I can’t speak for Dell or HP servers, on the IBM and Lenovo models that we currently use, we leverage their Advanced Systems Utility (ASU) CLI or OneCLI tools to set a variety of values for the IMM (similar to iLo) including the user accounts - local and domain-integrated - that are allowed to connect. We turn down the default account in favor of a custom one.

We dynamically generate the ASU answer file, then pass it as an argument targeting the local IMM. We do this as standard build procedure for our physical servers.