If server cannot find a client, Lock/poweroff the computer

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)


I want to create a script in which I want to see if a client responds to the server or not? And if it do not, then lock or power off that particular computer.

I know how to turn off the computer but can any one tell what exactly will be the big fix action script condition to specify that client is constantly reporting?


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Can you explain more what you mean by “client is constantly reporting”?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Like If I remove a particular laptop from one network to another network where there is no relay or server or anything.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hmm… This is tough… We don’t have an inspector that will tell you the last time the agent connected to a relay…

I can put an enhancement request in for this…
