Iem cli get "computer name" and "ip address"

hi all ,

how can i get computer name and ip address with iem cli ?

  • What is this for?
  • Can you give me a better idea of what you are trying to do?
  • Why the IEM CLI?

Generally you get info like this from BigFix using Session Relevance, which that session relevance can then be used through the REST API, through Web Reports, through the console, through dashboards, through the session relevance tester, through the presentation debugger, and many other ways, including the IEM CLI.

This session relevance will give you that info and much more:

  • Can you give fake examples of what you want the results to look like?
  • Is there a format you need? ( CSV, JSON, XML ) ?

In general, I would recommend getting the Session Relevance to return what you need, then look to implement that with the IEM CLI or REST API after the fact.

Hi jgstsew ,

i did it with below command with cli. But i will give this procedure to our security guys. when i logged in with user , password is in clear text. Is there any way to give password with cryptic ?

Thank you

iem.exe get query --relevance=%28%20concatenations%20%22%2C%20%22%20of%20%28%20%28tuple%20string%20item%200%20of%20concatenations%20%22%2C%20%22%20of%20%28it%20as%20string%29%20of%20ip%20addresses%20of%20it%20%7C%20%22%22%29%3B%28concatenation%20%22%7C%22%20of%20unique%20values%20of%20%28it%20as%20trimmed%20string%29%20of%20values%20of%20results%20from%20%28bes%20properties%20whose%28name%20of%20it%20starts%20with%20%22MAC%20Addresses%22%29%29%20of%20it%29%3B%28name%20of%20it%20%7C%20%22%22%29%3B%28hostname%20of%20it%20%7C%20%22%22%29%3B%20%22%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%22%20%29%20%29%20of%20bes%20computers