IE Favorites distribution

(imported topic written by mudai)

Dear All, I would like to distribute IE favorites. still cant get it figure it ou… what i did is uploading the Folder and try to gie xcopy command. but seem not working.

I give this parameter

parameter “linkfolder” = “{value “HOMEPATH” of key “Volatile Environment” of current user key (logged on user) of registry}\Favorites\MY Links”

mkdir linkfolder

and the command using xcopy . “{parameter “linkfolder”}” /S

Its ok until teh link folder creation but… the links not copied

Anyone have a way to do this ?

(imported comment written by Tim.Rice)

What happens if you try the following …

parameter “linkfolder” = “{value “HOMEPATH” of key “Volatile Environment” of current user key (logged on user) of registry}”

mkdir linkfolder

xcopy . “{parameter “linkfolder”}\Favorites\MY Links” /S

I moved the \Favorites\MY Links path fragment down to the XCopy command.

(imported comment written by MBARTOSH)

Have you considered using a group policy for adding favorites?

(imported comment written by jgstew)

Here is an example of delivering Local GPO using BigFix/IEM:

As MBARTOSH points out, this is the better method for doing per user configuration, but with the approach above, AD is not required.