Identify PCs by performance

I have ideas on how to do that but was wondering if someone has already come up with a good working combo of best criteria to make groups of PCs based on their overall performance, something that works well and where the property reports correctly on most PCs?

Obvious combos of age of the PC (or first check in), RAM size, sometimes OS (Win10 generally indicating a newer PC), Processor type, number of cores, PC model… But a lot of properties don’t report for all machines… maybe there are other criteria or things I’m not thinking of. The goal is to create some groups of lowest spec PC and highest for testing deployments, on top of the functional groups/tiers we already use… Don’t want to reinvent the wheel if someone already came up with clever relevance that easily separates the donkey PCs from the top-of-the-line ones…

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One place to start would be the analysis that tries to map CPU models to microarchitectures - check the details in this thread