Yesterday I deployment Fixlet 457701015, MS20-SEP: Cumulative security update for Internet explorer. I set the post action to reboot after 1 minute. IT took over 15 minutes for the box to reboot. In the log I see messages such as "IBM BigFix Restart (Force count:5) from action ID 256386 which is the correct action ID associated with the update. What is the meaning of (Force count)? I ahven’t seen that before, is it new?
@pcpeteusa, can you please use a tool like Baretail or anything that’ll let you cat|grep for 256386 in the yyyyMMdd.log of your action and re-post all lines with the action ID? Without having more details about how you issued this action, I’m assuming that the user was able to delay/snooze the restart 4 times and finally took the restart action on the 5th prompting. However, I can’t say for sure without the applicable BESClient log details.