IBM BigFix Patch releases support for NFS Repository Management released 2016-08-04

IBM BigFix Patch offers an option for users to deploy Fixlets by installing the technology level (TL) and service pack (SP) fix packs from an accessible Network File System (NFS) share. Using NFS to store these large sized fix packs can prevent issues that are related to insufficient disk space on the /var/opt/BESClient directory during patching. Apart from this, NFS provides better installation time, decreases bandwidth usage, and reduces storage costs.

To help manage these fix packs on a remote disk space, IBM BigFix Patch released the NFS Repository Management feature on the AIX Advanced Deployment Wizard. Users can select any existing directory that is on a targeted AIX endpoint and register it as an NFS repository. Registration enables the NFS service on the endpoint and flags the endpoint as a viable location to store the fix packs.

The NFS Repository Management feature provides the following capabilities:

  • Download and cache relevant TL or SP fix packs for each registered NFS repository.
  • Verify the cached fix packs on a registered NFS repository to check for any inconsistencies, such as sha1 values, against the source filesets from Fix Central.
  • Delete the cached fix packs that are no longer of use to clear up the disk space on the NFS repository for relevant fix packs to be used during patching.

This feature gives you more reasons to use NFS as it simplifies the management of NFS repositories from the BigFix console.

Actions to Take:
Gathering of the site will automatically show the updates.

Published Site Version:
Patches for AIX site, version 511

For more information about using the NFS Repository Management feature, see at

Application Engineering Team
IBM BigFix Patch