HTTP Error tacking action

(imported topic written by StiRazzi)


wen i try to set up an action to distribute a baseline i receive the following error:

Error Taking action: Unexpected server error: Database Error:


http://SQL Server Native Client 10.0

String data, right truncation (22001:0) (error HTTP 500 in method /data/create-multiple-action-group)

the erro occour only with one baseline.

The baseline was previously applyed without problem; we have stopped the acction an the problem arise when we try to create a new action.

Thank you


(imported comment written by Corda)

Today I had the same issue… How to solve it?

Thanks, Marco.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Was this problem solved? If so how? Or did the problem go away on its own?

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

I just saw this post.

From the error text, “Error Taking action”, it is coming from the TEM Web Console.

If you are using the TEM Web Console, please contact me so that I can help track down the source of the problem.

I just tried taking action of 2 baselines without problems, so there must be a condition causing this.

Reach me via email leewei at

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

I take that back…

The error from the TEM Web Console is “Error from the TakeAction handler in the TEMWC application:”.

So this has nothing to do with the TEM Web Console.