Http download version supported

Does anyone know which http versions are supported for downloading content?

We’ve encountered an issue where we get a 426 when Bigfix attempts to download from one of our internal site. The admin of that site noted that http 1.0 was not enabled, but higher levels are permitted. Download in a browser from the same site works.

I’ve tried looking through documentation and searching on this forum for http versions, but I have yet to find it. If anyone knows, I’d greatly appreciate it.

The use case is Bigfix pulling some content from an internal LOB webserver. It uses Jfrog to serve up content. This used to work, but now Bigfix gets http 426 when attempting to download.

I’m honestly not sure, but for downloads we use libcurl, so I’d probably use curl to test downloading. Curl has command-line options, I believe, to force using specific versions of the http protocol so that may yield useful info.