Html with session relevance: status of result of action

Hi Guys

I’ve trying to build a custom web report with HTML and session relevance. I use the session relevance tester.
What I want:

(names of it, (names of computer of it, status of it) of results of it) of (bes actions ) whose (id of it = 65752)

this gives following output:

What i want:
a table with 2 colums: 1 with the hostname, the other one with the result.

What i have so far:

tables of concatenation of trs of (
                                   tds of names of computers of results of it

of (bes actions ) whose (id of it = 65752)



Now I tried to do the same thing with the status. But there it goes wrong:

tables of concatenation of trs of (
                                   tds of statuses of results of it

of (bes actions ) whose (id of it = 65752)


For me, it looks like the same code, i just changed the property. And that property works:

(statuses of results of it) of bes actions whose (id of it = 65752)
Not Relevant

So I thought it would be like this:

tables of concatenation of trs of (
                                   tds of names of computers of results of it &
                                   tds of statuses of results of it

of (bes actions ) whose (id of it = 65752)

Any idea what i’m doing wrong?

Thanks a lot!

Follow up:

This works tho:

tables of concatenation of trs of (
                                   tds of detailed statuses of results of it

of (bes actions ) whose (id of it = 65752)


Results<table><tr><td>The action executed successfully.</td></tr><tr><td>The action executed successfully.</td></tr><tr><td>The action executed successfully.</td></tr><tr><td>The action executed successfully.</td></tr><tr><td>The Fixlet which this action addresses is not relevant on this machine.</td></tr><tr><td>The action executed successfully.</td></tr></table>

So what is the difference? Why does “status” not work?

then I tried the following:

tables of concatenation of tr of (
                                   tds of names of computers of results of it &
                                   tds of detailed statuses of results of it

of (bes actions ) whose (id of it = 65752)

But no luck:

Thanks for the help!

Should be trs

Generally, plural relevance is the way to go.

This is a case where plural relevance won’t work. You can’t concatenate (&) plural strings/objects.

So it’s not possible?
I did it like this tho:

    <tr><td><?relevance (names of computer of it) of results of (bes actions ) whose (id of it = 65752)?></td><td><?relevance (statuses of it) of results of (bes actions ) whose (id of it = 65752)?></td></tr>

And then a bit of CSS/JS etc will manage it… Can’t figure it out to make it sortable/searchable, but i’ll look a bit in to it today or so. Any suggestions are welcome :wink:


It is possible, just not directly the way it was written.

You should be able to make a table searchable using JavaScript.

Yes, my colleague, who has more knowledge of JavaScript, is working on it :smile:

Glad i don’t need to do that!

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I tend to have a love / hate relationship with JavaScript. Luckily JQuery and similar things makes it easier.

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