HP-UX patches query

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hi All,

We are doing a pilot on BigFix 8.0.627 in our environment to automate patch management tasks. We have added one HP-UX 11.31 client. I have a few doubt regarding HP-UX patches.

  1. How do we deploy the recommended patches that comes with the patch bundle ?

  2. How do we get fixlet messages for individual patches apart from patch bundles ?

  3. Do we have a deployment wizard for HP ?

Thanks in anticipation


(imported comment written by avipatra)

I am also interested in this. Any advise on this?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

+1. How do we deploy the recommended patches that comes with the patch bundle ? +

To deploy the patches, run the actions in the fixlets in the site. First, however, you need to set up the HP-UX download plugin (Fixlet #20 in the HP-UX site).

  1. How do we get fixlet messages for individual patches apart from patch bundles ?

At the moment this does not exist yet. It is being looked into.

  1. Do we have a deployment wizard for HP ?

At the moment, there is no deployment wizard.