(imported topic written by ktakada91)
I have three questions:
- How do I write relevance to query the location by IP range? This custom property is defined as:
if exist values of settings “_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList%22%3d%22%7bsetting %22Location by IP Range%22 of client%3bHub” of client then value of setting “_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList%22%3d%22%7bsetting %22Location by IP Range%22 of client%3bHub” of client else error “not set”
Is there a way to query if the host is a physical host or a virtual host (assuming VMWare)?
Lastly, I am trying to write an analysis that combines the above and some other computer info. Would someone kindly show me the way?
concatenation "; " of (concatenation ", " of hostnames; distinguished name of local computer of active directory; concatenation ", " of (addresses of adapters of network as string); operating system as string)
I don’t know how to check if the host belongs to a domain first, either in the above relevance. I need to run this query against non-Windows servers as well.
Thank you,
Kotaro Takada