How to use Site Files?

Super simple question, but the documentation and Google are failing me on this one…

How do you actually use files added to a site?

The docs talk about adding files, viewing files, and removing files, but I can’t find any information or examples on how to use those files. The words for a search for this are all too generic and bring up way too much irrelevant data. I’ve found a forum post that implies these files are copied to all subscribed endpoints (which would make sense), but there’s nothing (that I’ve found so far) that says where the are or how to use them.


Files in a site get copied to the root of the site in the __BESDATA folder on the client.

So if you had a site called, “Content” and you added a file called, “Test.exe” you would find it in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\CustomSite_Content

Keep in mind that adding files to sites is not normally recommended and unless you have a good reason it’s best to just use prefetch to download whatever you need as part of the fixlet.

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Thanks. This is a small utility text file that will be needed by every machine subscribing to the Site. I’ve done plenty of downloads from a utility web server, but the group I’m with now has no such animal. Regardless, I won’t be adding an MS Office installer to a Site or anything like that. :slight_smile:

You can upload the text file to the root server itself and use that in the prefetch command.

If the text file is small enough and you are using it in a task/fixlet/action, then you could actually use the create file command to create it on the endpoint during the action without actually any downloads at all.

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We don’t store file on the root server(s) in our particular implementation, but it may make more sense to use the create file option. Thanks!

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