How to use "computer id as string" with lines of file relevance statement

Good day folks, I am try to browse the contents inside this SW scan log file from an endpoint under /LMT/CIT directory called computerID_citlog.log where computerID is the ID of the endpoint (i.e 2724208_citlog.log).

I tried:

lines of file ((pathname of parent folder of data folder of client) & “/LMT/CIT” & computer id as string & “_citlog.log”)

it returned error “No inspector context”.

Please advise how to make it work. Thanks.


In the Fixlet Debugger, in the menu at the top of the window you need to select Evaluate -> Evaluate Using > Local Client rather than Debugger evaluation. Only the local client knows some properties like client id, selected relay, etc.

The debugger will evaluate much slower in that mode though, be prepared for that.


Thanks Jason, I will test it out. Appreciate it.