How to use clientsettings.cfg file in client agent deployment tool


We have a scenario like - in bigfix agent deployment using CDT tool we would like to register that client using relay.
We have blocked direct connection from BF root server to endpoint on port 52311.
When we deploy an BF agent on client it should do client registration using either of the relays in clientsettings.cfg file. We have 4-5 site relay servers installed in our BF infra.
What format of clientsettings.cfg file we should use.


When using the Client Deployment Tool, you don’t use a clientsettings.cfg at all, but you can specify settings to be applied via the Wizard.

In the Client Deploy Tool Wizard, in the ‘Set Advanced Settings’ step, check the box to ‘Show Advanced Settings’. That’s where you can load up the settings you would otherwise use via clientsettings.cfg

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