How to troubleshoot DownloadJobFailed


I’m deploying this action:

prefetch ***
extract ***

waithidden C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe x “__Download\packRADIO3-01-23.rar” -y -o"c:"

It runs okay in a lot of PCs, but in some PCs it gives this error:

ARCS817WST0001,"ActionLogMessage: (action:243093) JobFailed - cancel and fail action"
ARCS817WST0001,“ActionLogMessage: (action:243093) DownloadJobFailed”

No more info in the logs, how can I troubleshoot this?

For starters, see if the endpoint can download package using a browser.

In the URL, use the relay that the endpoint is currently registered to, and work your way up the relay chain to the root server.

You’ll need the SHA1 value of the package you are downloading. This can be found by looking in %Program Files (x86)%\BigFix Enterprise\BES Relay\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads\sha1 on a relay or root server

then the URL to hit this in a broswer would be: http://<Relay/Root Hostname>:52311/bfmirror/downloads/sha1/


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