How to set a parameter on action script

I want to delete the following file in SystemDrive folder. But BigFix don’t run by "Command failed ".
Please tell me how to set this parameter on action.

delete “{pathname of SystemDrive folder}\temp\test.txt”

waithidden cmd.exe /C DEL /F /Q filepathhere

There are no SystemDrive nor SystemDrive folder in BigFix inspector. Perhaps you mean System folder instead?

I’d suggest to use Inspector search on (

Correction to above.

While there are no SystemDrive, if relevance is not correct, the resulting error would be Relevance substitution failed.
The original post indicated the error is “Command Failed” and this means delete command is invoked but failed. Since delete does not report error when the file to delete does not exist, it is very likely “Command Failed” mean delete command failed to delete the file specified and possible cause I can think of are:

  1. The target file is in use, or
  2. The target file has ACL which does not allow Local System account to delete.