How to see action from others operators with no target yet?

Hi all,
I tried to see actions from others operators with no target yet to delete duplicate actions with the same name and same target.
But I can’t see actions from others until they have targets that have evaluated them. The actions I can’t see have “% complete” empty.
Any help will be welcome.
here the relevance i used to retrieve actions:
(id of it) of bes actions whose ( id of source fixlet of it equals 2 and state of it equals “Open”)

The query appears to be correct, and if you are having trouble seeing the results, I would assume that the ID you are using to execute the API query is NMO rather than MO. Only MO accounts are able to view actions that do not yet have a target published.

Additionally, if you are using MO access to run an API query and you are still unable to see actions, either the state of the action may have changed or the source fixlet ID does not match.

Other than that, I don’t see any other issues with your relevance statement.

Thanks, I use NMO to run the query and not able to use MO.