Folks I am running BigFix 9.5.11 and same for BigFIx Fixlet Debugger as well. Followed the steps below to run relevance statement against a remote computer. It still returned the value from my BigFix server where the Fixlet Debugger is running. I logged to the BigFix server with a master operator ID and it has all the permissions defined for WebUI. It still did not work. I tested with “name of operating system” against an AIX computer ID, it returned Windows OS information from my BigFix server.
How does this actually work and has anyone tested it?
You can use the Fixlet Debugger to run relevance statements and see their results, on one remote endpoint at a time. The BigFix Agent running on the remote endpoint must be v9.5 or later.
Follow these steps to run a relevance statement on the remote target:
1.Enter the Query Channel mode: click Evaluate > Evaluate Using > Query Channel. 2.In the login window opened by the Fixlet Debugger, enter the credentials to connect to a BigFix environment. Ensure that the specified user has both the Can use WebUI and the Can Submit Queries permissions set to YES to run the query on the remote target.
3.After having logged in successfully, you can select the computer ID or computer name of the target where you want to run the query.
Your Query Channel session will be invalidated by the server after 5 minutes of inactivity. If this happens, Fixlet Debugger will ask you to reauthenticate again. You can change the timeout by customizing the _BESDataServer_APIAuthenticationTimeoutMinutes setting on the server machine.
From now on you can run queries on the selected target and see the results as if you were running the queries on your local system.
To exit the query channel mode, click Evaluate > Logout.
As @amelgares previously noted, the Query Channel appears to work only in the “QNA” tab, not in the “Single Clause” tab. Try using the QNA tab rather than Single Clause.
After selecting “Evaluate > Evaluate Using > Query Channel”, being prompted with a “Login Authentication” dialog, and logging in to the BigFix Server as a MO (which steps I understand that were all successful), where do things divert from the below depicted sequence?
The ILMT site is part of several entitlements, including IBM BigFix Lifecycle and IBM BigFix Compliance. If customer got it as part of an entitlement other than Lifecycle/Compliance (e.g. IBM BigFix Inventory or IBM BigFix Patch), then the BigFix Query won’t be available.