How to remove BESclient

Hi All,

I’m trying to uninstall BES Client but no luck… Its always showing not relevant after applying action even after relevance condition and other things are fine…

I have manually check after action completion, its showing the same version install state.

What OS is this for and what are you trying to accomplish? Are you upgrading the client?

Hi Jmaple,

Its Windows OS (Mainly Win7 & Win10) only and i want to uninstall the all client because of business separation.

Do you use BESRemove to uninstall or the OS uninstall with msiexec?
BTW If you use BigFix to uninstall, the action will never return a status to your BigGix console.

I used both the way, using BESRemove.exe of same version its showing complete status but still system is reporting on BigFix Console.

In case of using uninstallation string (msiexec) its showing not relevant status.

Can you post the actionscript you’re using to perform the action?

If the agent uninstall is not removing the data and there is a “reinstall” GPO (or a similar enforcement), it may be possible that you actually remove the code, but it will be reinstalled using the same identity as before. In this case the “not relevant” is a normal thing in the action execution results. You may check in the logs of the agent if the action was really executed (that means agent was removed) and then reinstated by some other mechanism. You may also check in the Agent’s event logs if there was an actual installation action

Hi, Below is the action script which we are using…

Using BESRemove.exe

prefetch BESRemove.exe sha1:a92a1e012f8ddeac96c49c561d80960bced4ce82 size:2609936 sha256:74ea7a28aae16fdb64bfbe370ee04bd147c6c18a755ce68032dbf656a3d68a89

// create a batch file to create the temp folder
delete __appendfile
delete tempdir.bat
appendfile @echo off
appendfile {if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then ("") else if (exists folder “temp” of windows folder) then ("") else ("mkdir " & pathname of windows folder as string & “\temp”)}

move __appendfile tempdir.bat

wait “{pathname of client folder of site “BESSupport” & “\RunQuiet.exe”}” tempdir.bat
delete tempdir.bat

delete “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\BESRemove.exe”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\BESRemove.exe”)}”

delete “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\RunQuiet.exe”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\RunQuiet.exe”)}”

delete “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\delClient.iss”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\delClient.iss”)}”

move “__download/BESRemove.exe” “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\BESRemove.exe”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\BESRemove.exe”)}”

copy “{pathname of client folder of site “BESSupport” & “\RunQuiet.exe”}” “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\RunQuiet.exe”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\RunQuiet.exe”)}”

copy “{pathname of client folder of site “BESSupport” & “\delClient.iss”}” “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\delClient.iss”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\delClient.iss”)}”

// create a batch file to uninstall client and run BESRemove from a different directory

appendfile @echo off
appendfile cd {if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string)}
appendfile {(if it ends with “%00” then preceding text of first “%00” of it else it) of (value “UninstallString” of key whose ((it = “IBM BigFix Client” OR it = “IBM Endpoint Manager Client” OR it = “BigFix Enterprise Client” OR it = “BigFix for IBM Proventia ESC Client” OR it = “ESP Agent” OR it = “Trend Micro Endpoint Security Platform” OR it = “Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client”) of (value “DisplayName” of it as string)) of key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall” of registry as string)} {if (value “UninstallString” of key whose ((it = “IBM BigFix Client” OR it = “IBM Endpoint Manager Client” OR it = “BigFix Enterprise Client” OR it = “BigFix for IBM Proventia ESC Client” OR it = “ESP Agent” OR it = “Trend Micro Endpoint Security Platform” OR it = “Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client”) of (value “DisplayName” of it as string)) of key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall” of registry as string as lowercase starts with “msiexec”) then “/qn” else ("/s --uninstallsilent " & (if version of regapp “BESClient.exe” < “5.1” then " /f1 %22" & (if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\delClient.iss”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\delClient.iss”)) & “%22” else “”))}
appendfile RunQuiet.exe BESRemove.exe /silent /force /client
appendfile rmdir /s /q “{pathname of parent folder of client}” > NUL 2> NUL

// move batch file to temp directory

delete “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\RunBESRemove.bat”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\RunBESRemove.bat”)}”

copy “__appendfile” “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\RunBESRemove.bat”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\RunBESRemove.bat”)}”

// run batchfile

run “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\RunQuiet.exe”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\RunQuiet.exe”)}” “{if (exists variable “temp” of environment) then (value of variable “temp” of environment as string & “\RunBESRemove.bat”) else (pathname of folder “temp” of windows folder as string & “\RunBESRemove.bat”)}”

Using Uninstallation registry string:

run cmd /c “MsiExec.exe /qn /X {{53744C0B-332F-4BAF-86F6-9745593FC1E2}”

Thanks Kapax…

But there is no GPO policy or any other policy exist to reinstall BES Client. We only manage Client installation via OS Image or manually.

Can you post a client log for the action that is reporting failure?

I suspect the issue may be with the use of “run” because when the uninstall process is launched it will stop the agent and this may kill the child process itself (process suicide?).

Did you try to use “rundetached” instead?

Hi All,

Is there a way to uninstall the Bigfix Client using batch file?

Those clients are in grey in the console and bigfix cant uninstall it.
