How to remove Admin privileges of Local User in MAC OS…
I have tried to remove the users from Admin.plst, but even after removing the same the ID is still having admin privileges … need assistance to remove the same in MAC OS X.
How to remove Admin privileges of Local User in MAC OS…
I have tried to remove the users from Admin.plst, but even after removing the same the ID is still having admin privileges … need assistance to remove the same in MAC OS X.
The command to remove admin rights is:
wait dseditgroup -o edit -d {parameter "UserName"} -t user admin
You’ll have to hard code or query for the UserName parameter. It also typically requires a reboot before the admin rights are actually removed.
Sounds like you may just need to reboot the client.
hope that helps.
@rustymyers, thanks for the suggestion… the same i have observed in some cases, where i have removed the UID & User from members (array), and after restart the admin rights got removed… but in some scenario the ID’s are still exists, even after restarting the system…
I will try to run the command and will let you know… thanks again…