Hello all, looking to find scripts that can be ran against the database for TRC to get rid of duplicate host names. Every time a machine in my environment is re-imaged, it pops up as a new machine in TRC, with the same host name and IP. Our support team is having difficulties finding the correct machine to log into, and I would like to clean it up if at all possible. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Hi @heagsta,
This happens because the IDs stored in the target machine are deleted by the re-image process and once that the target starts these properties are recreated and the server detect the target as a brand new one. More precisely the IDs are stored in the file tgt_info.properties (in the same folder where the log files are stored) and contains the TargetGUID, HWKey and the TargetID which are used by the server to identify the target when it post any update.
So you have two options:
Prevent the re-image process from deleting this file. For example you can save it and re-deploy it after the re-image. This is quite dependent on how the re-image process is performed .
Delete all the target with an old update time.
Starting from Remote Control you can filter the “offline targets”.

You can specify in the filter the number of days since last update time.

Once you get the list of the “not-reporting” targets click on the “All” checkbox.

then click on “Delete target”.

I hope that this will help you.