Hi all,
I have a Windows server with outdate PEM certificate. From some reason, I can’t find out where to obtain a new PEM certificate from RH.
I saw here another post about that problem but didn’t see a solution for creating the PEM for Windows. Is there a fix for that? If not, How can I continue using my Bigfix for updating my linux servers?
Follow the following documentation:
This link you posted is not up to date. RH changed the way you create your entitlement certificates so this guide is not good any more.
From RH I still didn’t got an answer how to create it now…
@Royzo can you use the information captured here to obtain the PEM certificate for RHSM?
Hi gus,
The master Bigfix server in my organization is a Windows server. It used to work against RH repos version 7 + 8 + 9. If I understand correctly, I need to have 3 different Linux servers, one for every distribution, register every server with redhat, and then take the PEM files from every server and put it in a different dirextory on the Bigfix windows server?
Is this correct?
It seems like a strange way to achieve this functionality which is the very basic functionality of Bigfix patch manager.
I feel like I am missing out something here.
@royzo You don’t need to do that.
You just need one RHEL machine which is subscribed with a subscription that got access to all of the repos.
Thank all,
I managed to copy a PEM file from one of my Linux server and copy it to the Bigfix server cert directory.
At first glance it seems to work.
I also got a response from RH that the old way (Download the PEM from thier site) is not available any more.
Thanks a lot guys.