How to migrate clients between v9 TEM servers

(imported topic written by Tim.Rice)

The existing Tasks for Switching the Mastheads all check for clients < 9.0, but I need to migrate the clients from a 9.0 server to a 9.0 server to consolidate our systems. While I’m sure I can create a custom copy of the Tasks, I’d PREFER that the Tasks exist in the BES Support site since it bypasses the Locked status by default. The only Task that doesn’t seem to care about the Client Version is the Task to switch the masthead on a Relay.

Any chance the
Switch BES Client Action Site Masthead
tasks can be updated? Or have they been, and I’m just behind on the BES Support site gather status? It doesn’t look like I am behind, I show version 1105, and the Site Gather URL
shows 1105 as well.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

looking for a resolution too, no task to switch mastheads for v9 clients.

(imported comment written by Tim.Rice)

I contacted some people at IBM about this that I’ve worked with in the past. Apparently, with v9.0 the changes to the client caused the Switch Masthead tasks to not work properly. I’m told that the resolution is being “worked on”.

(imported comment written by mpeterso)

I just went through changing the server in our v9 environment. I created custom copies of the actions they published and just removed the relevance line that was looking for v9 (and url for the masthead in the action). I moved a little over 300 clients to a new server with no problems. The resource I worked with said the reason that check is there is because there are problems migrating from v8 to v9 with these task, which doesn’t really make since because if you were moving from v8 your clients would be applicable, but that’s what I was told.

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(imported comment written by JasonReimerfrey)

We have released new content in BES Support site version 1116.

The content is ID 1516 Switch BES Client Action Site Masthead - BES >=9.0.



(imported comment written by jfschafer)

I successfully tested moving a version 9.0.649.0 Win 7 client to a completely different server running 9.0.649.0 using this new fixlet and it worked. One thing that wasn’t 100% clear in the fixlet instructions is where to put the new masthead file on the server you are moving the client from. The fixlet gives a web address but doesn’t give the actual default folder location. That location is “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads”

(imported comment written by DANPowers)

Looking to do the SAME, however the bulk of endpoints I need to move exist outside the DMZ (External Relays).

anyone been able to have this take affect, but also keep or SET the client settings so that the Endpoint will POLL (no UDP on internet) and update the External DMZ relay?

I know I can ADD this to the Logic, but the Fixlet states :

Note: The actions below will remove manual BES Relay settings from the BES Client prior to switching the BES Client masthead.

So I am not sure WHEN that part happens (as it is not in the action logic). And if I add logic to update the client settings, will they be removed when the endpoint restarts?

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