How to manually import part number from PA into ILMT?

A customer is facing a situation where their BigFix Server is completely down. The data import task is no longer completed successfully due to lost connectivity to BigFix Server since September 3rd, 2019. Now they have IBM audit coming up and would like to finish up the software classification using their part numbers from PA.

Unfortunately, BFI is able to import the part number CSV file but failed to import it into the BFI database via data import task because the import task is failing.

Is there a manual method to run db2 command or API command to import the part numbers directly into the TEMADB? We need the part numbers from PA imported as customer has a lot of IBM products to go thru. Using the part numbers from PA will automate the software bundling process and make it a lot easier to complete this task.

I believe there should be a way to update some tables in the TEMADB with part numbers from PA.

Can you please advise. Thanks.