How to list automation plans via SA API

How can I list the automation plans created for Server Automation via its API?

I am starting a new project and we are trying to fully automate the execution of Automation Plans using the API.
I have tried using the get method to list the current automation plans located in one of our custom sites, using the following request:


But I am not getting any results back, in the SA API Logs I can see an error:

2023-06-09 10:06:17 - [app.js] e[31merrore[39m : 	[ Error : While formating  XML definition for sa-rest plan ]  {
  error: true,
  statusCode: 404,
  msg: 'Failed to locate the specified plan definition'

According to the documentation, if I don’t pass the object ID I “may” be able to get the list of automation plans.
I can get the xml definition of an automation plan only if I pass the ID to the request(eg https://saserverapi:8443/serverautomation/plan/custom/name_of_custom_site/id).

We don’t want to hardcode IDs as that may change, so ideally we want to list the current automation plans and based on standardized names we will pull the ID of the Automation Plans to later create actions.

I have looked for examples in the forum and google but I couldn’t find anything. Has anyone done something similar?