How to get the last text of a line in a text file?

For example, we have alphabet.text and it contains the following texts. I would like to get the last text on the 2nd line which is “House”. How can I accomplish it?

Apple Boy Car Doctor
Elephant Flower Girl House


line (number of lines of it) of file “c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts”


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How can you get the last word/character on a specific line?

Im not sure if there is a way of retrieving the last word, but I think you can retrieve the last x amount of charters of a specific line. Sorry I dont know it by heart. im looking in some notes from training I have

following text of position ((maximum of (start of it) of substrings separated by " " of line (number of lines of it) of file “c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts”)) of line (number of lines of it) of file “c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts”


following text of position ((maximum of (start of it) of substrings separated by " " of it)) of line (number of lines of it) of file “c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts”


following text of last " " of line (number of lines of it) of file "whatever"

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“Walker!!!” shouted out loud ala Jerry Seinfeld.

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Hey, I like the use of “start of it”, that was part of the April challenge!

it was, he said.