I was looking into this yesterday and saw that the RFE was delivered but wasn’t very clear how to use it and not yet listed in the documentation either, so thought I’d share the code I got with the help of our AVP.
q: (index of it, it) of tuple items of tuple string of (“1”;“2”;“three”)
A: 0, 1
A: 1, 2
A: 2, three
I: plural ( integer, tuple item )
q: (index of it, it) of tuple items of tuple string of (“one”;“2, 3”;"";“four,5”)
A: 0, one
A: 1, ( 2, 3 )
A: 2,
A: 3, ( four,5 )
I: plural ( integer, tuple item )
And some more involved use out of it to produce NIC binding order of all NIC adapters with automatic numbering:
q: "NIC binding order: " & concatenation “; " of ((index of it + 1) as string & “) " & it as string) of tuple items of tuple string of ((if (item 1 of item 1 of it != “”) then (item 1 of item 1 of it) else (item 1 of item 0 of it)) of((item 0 of item 1 of it as trimmed string, item 2 of item 1 of it as trimmed string ) of ((if (it contains “{” and it contains “}” and it contains “”) then (following text of last “” of it) else (it)) of substrings separated by “%00” whose (it != “”) of (value “Bind” of it as string) of key “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Linkage” of registry, (string value of item 0 of it as trimmed string, string value of item 1 of it as trimmed string, string value of item 2 of it as trimmed string) of (property “Index” of it, property “SettingID” of it, property “Description” of it) of select objects “Index, SettingID, Description from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration” of wmi) whose (item 0 of it = item 1 of item 1 of it ),(string value of item 0 of it as trimmed string, (if (exist string value of item 1 of it) then (string value of item 1 of it as trimmed string) else (””))) of (property “DeviceID” of it, property “NetConnectionID” of it) of select objects “DeviceID, NetConnectionID from Win32_NetworkAdapter” of wmi) whose (item 0 of item 0 of it = item 0 of item 1 of it))
A: NIC binding order: 1) Adapter1; 2) Adapter2; 3) Adapter3; 4) Adapter4
I: singular string
NOTE: The inspector requires version of client/fixlet debugger 9.5.3 or above!