How to Enable TPM 2.0 Using BigFix for Windows 11 Upgrade?

Hello BigFixers,

I’ve been searching for a way to enable TPM 2.0 through BigFix, but I haven’t found a straightforward solution yet. Could anyone here kindly provide guidance or share any relevant scripts or actions within BigFix that can help automate the enabling of TPM 2.0?

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Not being entirely familar with it, how would you enable TPM 2.0 outside of BigFix? Do you have a script or command line you could share?


After reading that ,you can see that enabling TPM 2.0 is done in the UEFI - have you done that manually?

After that, the question you need to ask your self - Can I change UEFI Settings through BIGFIX?

The answerr is Yes but through using the OEM official Tool - In Dell for example, you can use the Dell command Configure Tool

Can you provide more information about the PC Types you are provisioning?

@orbiton We have some 5000 devices which include HP, lenovo , dell and acer. I think you are refering to this cctk for lenovo laptops:

Will this kind of toolkit be available for each and every OS ? Does bigfix provide any solution out of bigfix for enabling TPM ?

BigFix does not provide tools for managing the firmware, no. That would be up to each hardware manufacturer to provide a utility.
BigFix can help you deploy such utilities at scale, but the hardware vendor would have to provide them first.